Feeling Guilty?

*as often as needed
*optional cast a circle

What you will need:
  • hotpad
  • fireproof container
  • frankincense incense
  • sensor
  • white candle and holder
  • paper
  • matches or lighter
  • pen or pencil
What to do:

  1. center and ground yourself by meditation (option cast circle)
  2. place hot pad and container on top next to incense in candle
  3. light incense and candle
  4. sit with eyes closed and think about your feeling of guilt, (What triggers this feeling?) (What is it related to?)
  5. can you pinpoint what you feel guilty for resentment anger sadness and shame?
  6. when you're ready write them down
  7. fold paper in halves or quarters to fit the fireproof container
  8. holding paper and say I release this guilt from the Universe I invite peace and serenity to take its place, I open my heart to the positive energy this lesson, and support me as I learn to care for myself freely, thank you for your many blessings
  9. touch the paper to the flame of the candle when the paper catches place it into the fireproof container and allowed to burn to ashes, allow the incense and candle to burn all the way out
  10. once incense candle and paper have burn to ash dispose of the ashes and running water or outdoors allow the wind to take it

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